Thursday, August 21, 2008

This past week, I visited Oz-Farm in Mendocino County. My friend Alana, who graduated a year ago from Santa Clara, has been working there since March. The farm lies nestled in a little valley, completely surrounded by redwoods and the crisp, cool air of the nearby Pacific Ocean. I also made my way down to Santa Cruz to meet up with my dear friend, Annie, who has been working on Freewheelin' Farm, right off of the PCH. The view was beautiful, a small farm overlooking the Pacific. The peace and happiness I found at both of these places will stay with me forever. I know that at one point in my life, I too want to be on a farm, growing my own food, and fostering a stronger connection with the earth.

Getting Ready

My journey has not yet begun but I am in the process of preparing myself for the adventures to come. My summer has been relaxing, but I understand that there are many things that I want to do before I leave for El Salvador.