Thursday, September 3, 2009
Art Show and Mural
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Oh as my time here comes to an end...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
They come from various communities near the main town that i live in. They range from the ages of 10 to 15. Both boys and girls participate and we have 2 hour classes. This is a picture of a paper collage project i assigned to them. i often give them homework as encouragement for them to continue making art. Some of the kids have exceeded my expectations by consistently bringing in the assignements i give them. Although it can be hard and frustrating teaching in spanish, its a great and rewarding experience working with them, and now i am beginning to realize why teachers like to teach.
At the center there is a great dog named Barack, who is only eleven months old but is a beast! i dont think he knows how big he is, and i often find myself on the ground when he jumps on me. Here he is taking his usual drink of water from the faucet, one of the many activities that makes him happy.
I am having both of my classes work on murals right now. It is a great project for them because it teaches them how to work together to come to consensus of what images and compositions they want to create. I also like the idea that they work on a larger scale to make them feel more bold about the art they make, that there are no boundaries to what or where they make it. i will post picture of the final projects when they are finished. i think that i may want to continue playing the role of teacher as i progress in my life. Its a way to continue to learn about a subject while allowing one to implement thier own interpretations of the various elements that surround the topic.
Monday, April 13, 2009
A common practice during la semanna santa (holy week) is the creation of these alfombras which are made with colored salt, seeds and flowers. They are only made during this time of year and many children, youth and adults participate in the creation process. First they are created and then a procession is held where the people actually walk over these impermanet pieces of art. They are seen as devotional works to god, and many depict Jesus in some form. I love the colors that are used in this country, many bright pastels and bold colors.
On March 21st there was the annual march in honor of the life of Monseñor Romero, who was assassinated on March 24 1980 wihile consecrating the host. His dedication to the poor of El Salvador inspire people to this day. He was killed because he used his authority, his voice to speak for those who were voiceless and he defied the notion that the archbishop had to just sit back and watch his people suffer. Romero is not just a martyr and a hero, he is more than this, an entity that continues to flow through the spirits and minds of the people here. The walk to the centro was peaceful, and a clam stillness was in the air. It had only been a week after the victory of the FMLN. I expected that the march would be wild and with a lot of celebrating. But instead, it was tranquil, as if the people here were finally taking that deep breath of relief that they had wanted to inhale for so long. Romero's words have come true, of the liberation of the people, and like he said, he has ressurected within them.
This is the home that I lived in for nearly a month. In this house lived, Don Quique, Doña Celedoña, Delmy, Orlando, Cristian and Yaneta. For the time that I stayed there, I felt a part of that family and was well taken care of. I hope to go back to visit in the next few months, I will forever be greatful for the time I was able to spend with them.